Mikro Fert, Fertilizer By Excellent Agro

Brand: Excellent Agro

Category: Fertilizers

SubCategory: Other Products

Active Ingredient: N=6 %, P=23 %, K=1 %

Pack Size: 5-Litr

Seller Name: Excellent Agro (Visit Store)

Main Warehouse Sargodha

Price: Rs. 4,250




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phosphorus fixation & availability is common issue at pakistan soils due to high ph & calcarious parent materials. mikro-fert is liquid phosphorus along with nitrogen & potash which provide quick p supply at any stage. 

mikro-fert provide continious supply of phosphorus

mikro-fert can be used at any plant stage where application of other phosphatic fertilizers are not possible

mikro-fert also help to dissolve already fixed phosphorus at soil

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