Hybrid Bottle Gourd F1 Shaheen 50 Gram Hybrid Vegetable Seeds Rachna Agri Seed (گول کدو)

Brand: Rachna Agri Business

Category: Seeds

SubCategory: Fooder Seed

Pack Size: 50g

Seller Name: New Ever Green (Visit Store)

Delivery Charges: Free (No Charges)

Price: Rs. 850




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Hybrid Bottle Gourd Shaheen F1 is a high-yielding variety of bottle gourd known for its superior quality and taste. It has a vigorous growth habit and produces long, slender fruits with a smooth skin. This variety is resistant to common diseases and pests, making it a popular choice among farmers and gardeners.

Hybrid Bottle Gourd Shaheen F1 بوتل لوکی کی ایک اعلیٰ پیداوار دینے والی قسم ہے جو اپنے اعلیٰ معیار اور ذائقے کے لیے مشہور ہے۔ اس کی نشوونما کی ایک زبردست عادت ہے اور یہ ہموار جلد کے ساتھ لمبے، پتلے پھل پیدا کرتا ہے۔ یہ قسم عام بیماریوں اور کیڑوں کے خلاف مزاحم ہے، یہ کسانوں اور باغبانوں میں ایک مقبول انتخاب ہے۔

Hybrid Bottle Gourd Shaheen F1, also known as "گول کدو" in Urdu, is a popular and high-quality variety of bottle gourd that is widely cultivated for its excellent taste and high yield. This hybrid variety is the result of careful breeding and selection to ensure superior characteristics and performance.

One of the key features of Hybrid Bottle Gourd Shaheen F1 is its vigorous growth habit. The plants are strong and robust, producing healthy vines that bear an abundance of fruits. This results in a high yield of bottle gourds, making it a preferred choice for commercial cultivation.(Zaraistore.com)

The fruits of Hybrid Bottle Gourd Shaheen F1 are long and slender, with a smooth green skin. They have a tender and succulent flesh that is delicious when cooked. Whether used in curries, stir-fries, soups, or stews, the bottle gourds from this variety add a unique flavor and texture to dishes.

In addition to its excellent taste and high yield, Hybrid Bottle Gourd Shaheen F1 is also known for its resistance to common diseases and pests. This makes it a low-maintenance and reliable option for growers, as it requires less intervention and chemical inputs to thrive.

Overall, Hybrid Bottle Gourd Shaheen F1 is a top choice for farmers and gardeners looking for a high-performing and high-quality variety of bottle gourd. Its combination of excellent taste, high yield, and disease resistance make it a valuable addition to any garden or farm.(Zaraistore.com)

Ratings & Reviews of Hybrid Bottle Gourd F1 Shaheen 50 Gram Hybrid Vegetable Seeds Rachna Agri Seed (گول کدو)


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